Lindsey Bass

Fundraising and Head of Marketing


Lindsey Bass


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Lindsey is an established investment industry professional with over 20 years of experience.


She has extensive experience as a senior leader in the distribution of asset management products, most recently as Head of Consultant and Professional Trustee relationships at Legal & General Investment Management, delivering exceptional institutional investor relationships. Previous experience in selling funds within the alternative investment industry has led to an extensive network and knowledge across both investors and asset classes globally.


Lindsey also brings external governance and leadership experience, with a focus on DEI, as former co-Chair of the Legal & General Inclusion Teams.  She is currently an Ambassador of the Diversity Project (DP) and Co-Lead of the Mental Health Workstream for the DP.  Separately she is a director of Rebel Consulting, on the Advisory Board for E2W, Advisory Council for AIMSE and is a Trustee for the Poppy Academy Trust as well as being a Mental Health First Aider. Lindsey holds a BSc in Communication from the University of Leicester and is a holder of the CAIA and IMC.


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